Sunday, 15 March 2015

What Should You Have Before You Buy Web Hosting Space?

Buying web hosting is a matter of a few clicks. But what planning should be done before you buy it? Not everyone knows what to do once they buy the hosting space and many months are wasted planning what to do after you have bought the space. A good plan of action helps you to save money and utilize your purchased space better. How much disk space you need, how much bandwidth you will consume all depends on your goals. This article helps you plan the use and usefulness before you purchase a web hosting plan.

Domain Name

One step before a hosting account, comes your domain name. You need to book or register a domain name which will point to your hosting space. The domain name will represent the name of your brand online. Domain names like and are self-explanatory and can bring the right visitors to your website. You can usually purchase a domain name starting from $5 to $100 depending on the name and its novelty. Hosting providers also sell domain names and sometimes may offer them free or at a discounted price along with their hosting packages. Availing of these offer bundles can help you save big bucks.

Website Design

Are you going to have a website for your domain name? Or are you going to use it only for email? If you are planning to have a website, it is essential that you do a bit of homework and know what it takes to make it successful. The purchase of web space and setting up the website design should go hand in hand so that neither the money spent on the designing or resources spent on the hosting account go to waste. As soon as your design has completed the pilot testing stage and is ready to be put into production, it is ideal to purchase the web space.


If you don't have a big budget, it's very important that you draw out a plan for your website. Many companies jump into expensive software or online products, without knowing how to implement them or how to get their employees to start using them. A website or web app is no different. You can get a lot of off-the-shelf software which you can start using immediately, but do you really need it? How long will training and adaptation take? Will you be able to easily migrate your systems from old to new? All these are questions you need to ask yourself before you jump into buying it. If you haven't planned properly, your purchase of web space and a domain name will go waste.

Email Accounts

If you are going to have email accounts for this domain name, it is best to plan out the email account details and the space that you plan to allocate to each account. This can be estimated from existing email traffic or you can simply choose the minimum limits and keep upgrading as your requirement increases regularly. Individual email accounts must be created with a password and quota setting. You can also plan out if you are planning to forward emails to another email address or domain name. Similarly, any internal email policies should be planned out before you jump in to purchasing web space.

Resource Usage

How much space you need is one of the most important questions that you should be prepared for when visiting the website of your favorite web host. Do you need additional features or resources from the beginning? Or can you upgrade your account later? It's always a good idea to start off with a plan with the bare minimum resources that you need and then later upgrade in advance, incase you anticipate a higher requirement. Start with how much space your website actually takes up at the moment, almost all hosts will allow you to upgrade your plan on a pro rata basis and adjust the amount you have already paid, towards the upgraded plan.

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