How To Move Your Sub-Directory Based WordPress Website From Yahoo Small Business Hosting to HostGator
This article assumes that your current Yahoo-based site is WordPress driven and stored in a sub-directory. The process may work just as well for root directory WordPress files, but since all my WP sites function from within sub-directories, I haven't tested this process for root-based applications.
So let's make it direct and sweet. Begin.
1) Login to your HostGator cPanel
2) Open File Manager (That's five sections down on the right in the section labeled "Files")
3) On the left side of the screen, double click the "public_html" folder
4) At the top left of the screen, click "New Folder"
5) Label the folder with the same name as your current Yahoo hosted WordPress sub-folder name
6) Return to cPanel home
7) Scroll down on the left until you see the block titled WordPress Hosting
8) Click "Install Now"
9) On the install screen, click continue
10) Input the name of your newly created folder into the "Application URL" box
11) For Admin Email, Blog Title, ext, input the same information used in your Yahoo-based WordPress site
12) Click "Install Now" and wait until the install is complete
13) Return to cPanel
14) Open File Manager>public_html>your new folder where WP is now installed
15) Copy both "index.php" and "wp-config.php" backward into the root "public_html" folder
16) Use FTP to upload all of your saved WordPress files and settings into the newly created directory, overwriting newly created WordPress files.
17) Return to cPanel and scroll down to the Databases panel and select MySQL Databases
18) Mid-screen, under "Current Databases". Delete the newly created database.
19) Confirm the delete and then return to cPanel home
20) Again under the "Databases" heading, but this time chose "phpMyAdmin"
21) Confirm that the database was actually deleted. If not, return to step "16" and do it again.
22) Database delete confirmed... Return to cPanel and open "MySql Databases" again.
23) Under "Create New Database", recreate the database you just deleted, but DO NOT add a user at this time.
24) Confirm creation and then return to cPanel
25) Open "phpMyAdmin"
26) On the left, under databases, select the HostGator hosting database you just created
27) Choose the "Import" option
28) Enter the path to your copy of the existing move Yahoo hosted SQL file
29) Because no user is yet assigned to the database, it will import without error
30) Confirm completion of the import
31) Close phpMyAdmin
32) Return to cPanel and open "MySql Databases" again
33) Assign one of the existing users to the new database
34) Confirm that the user rights are established and make record of the exact user name
35) Return to File Manager. Go to the root public_html directory. Open for edit the "index.php" that you earlier copied from your WordPress directory. See line 15 of these instructions.
Note line 5 of the example index.php file, If this line does not already include the name of your home WP directory, you need to make this inclusion at this time.
1 <?php
2 /* Short and sweet */
3 define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
4 define('WP_IN_ROOTDIR', true);
5 require('./placeherenameofyourWPhomedirectory/wp-blog-header.php');
36) Save the edited "index.php" file and then open your new WP directory.
37) Select the existing "wp-config.php" file. Locate the text pertaining to DB_NAME, MySQL database username, password, and MySQL hostname. The DB_Name should read 'yourHostGatorlogin_yournewlycreateddatabase'. Username should match the username that you assigned to this database in line 33 of these instructions. Leave the password unchanged. Hostname should simply read 'localhost'.
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